Cadcorp SIS Address Loader Table Structure

This page describes the database/table structure created by the Cadcorp Address Loader.

The Address Loader adds:

Config files

Cadcorp SIS Address Loader uses a set of config files to control how it creates tables.

Config files can be edited (on site if necessary) to change column names, column data definition, column null constraint, whether a column is to be indexed, whether a column is included in the gazetteer view.

The configuration files are in the form of .csv files and can be found in the Cadcorp SIS Address Loader Table Structure Program Files folder (e.g. C:\Program Files\Cadcorp\Cadcorp Address Loader.)

These files are:

  • AddressBaseColumns.csv
  • AddressBasePlusColumns.csv
  • AddressBasePremiumColumns.csv

Config files contain a header row (or three for AddressBasePremiumColumns.csv) describing the contents of the columns.

"AddressBaseFeatureCodes.csv" is a unique config file which allows you to change the feature code values set by the Loader.

Practise caution when editing config files to ensure their contents remain valid.

AddressBase and AddressBase Plus each load into a single table and the user can specify any table name.

AddressBase Premium loads into a set of ten tables. The names of these tables are controlled by the Address Loader but the user can specify a prefix to group them for easy organisation (e.g. adp_blpu, adp_lpi, etc.)

The Address Loader has a common table structure across its supported databases. The one notable exception is Microsoft Access which does not support Geometry.

Database table structures are as similar as possible to OS definitions. See here for more details about AddressBase products.

Deviations from the OS table specification are mostly due to:

  • Database-specific handling of data types, e.g. no bigint in Access;
  • Database-specific naming rules, e.g. 30 character limit in Oracle;
  • Database-specific reserved words, e.g. “class” has special meaning in PostGIS.

Note: The definitions in this document are based on PostGIS but Oracle, SQL Server or Access definitions can be provided as required.